Today I am blogging for Brianne over at Cupcakes & Kale Chips. She just moved into a new house in another state all during the holiday season. I definitely know how moving goes. We moved into our new place a few months ago and with a 9-month old, moving was not easy.
Baby L&C is almost 1 and I can hardly believe how much the time has gone by. I have been reminiscing this past month on all her “firsts” this past year. First smiles, giggles, rolling over, sitting up, tooth, crawling, walking. So much has happened and I can’t wait to experience everything that is to come.
Holidays are about being together with family and with my Italian family, it means gathering in the kitchen. In our house, the kitchen is the heart of the home and being together, whether cooking, baking or just visiting, we feel at home in the kitchen.
Pretty soon my baby will be in the kitchen cooking and baking right beside me. For now, she sits in her high chair and makes a raucous with whatever kitchen tools I can occupy her with – a Mom’s gotta do what a Mom’s gotta do.
Snickerdoodle Biscottis are great if you want a morning or afternoon snack or perfect for an after dinner treat.
Head on over to Cupcakes & Kale Chips for the recipe and don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter below to win the awesome 12 Guest Posts & Roundups of Christmas Giveaway!
Until next time,
What a darling child. And a delightful biscotti with that wonderful classic flavor.